"Sanitary engineering and the small college" by John William Clark Jr.


"There is an unprecedented need for sanitary engineers. College students should be informed of the need and of this general field at an early stage in their education so that proper guidance can be given in the selection of electives to those interested.

Colleges must re-appraise their sanitary engineering offering and expand their programs to meet the needs of society.

One of the most difficult jobs facing an expanded sanitary engineering program is securing the students with proper background. Most of the freshmen entering college have some ideas as to what vocation they want to strive toward. This idea of their future might be the product of parental influence, an article in the newspaper or a thorough search on the part of the prospective student. Many of the rapidly expanding fields of engineering have considerable glamor attached to them from all the publicity of atomic energy, jet planes and electronics. Sanitary engineering has had little publicity in lay publications and few people have any idea as to what sanitary engineering means. Most people have visions of grandeur when they associate the terms "electrical engineer, engineering physicist, aeronautical engineer or chemical engineer". They have read articles in their daily newspapers, seen pictures in the magazines and read promising recruiting posters put out by the major industries. Sanitary engineers are hired by these same industries, and indirectly by most of the people, but they are spread through the nation and not in large enough concentration to attract attention. Sanitary engineering educators have the task of informing potential students, as well as expanding their offerings, in.order to satisfy future needs. Much of this publicity should be directed at high school seniors. A good contact should be through high school science teachers. Science teachers have close association with students interested in engineering. This contact should be made through direct association with the science teachers if possible. They should be told of the need and opportunities in sanitary engineering and frequently supplied with literature. Each school should engage in a well planned publicity program. This is a portion of the school's job because one must first secure students in order to educate them. This type of advertising program would arouse the student's interest before college and give sanitary engineering departments a chance to compete with the other fields on a more equal basis"--Introduction, pages 7-8.


Carlton, E. W.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Civil Engineering


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



iii, 50 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (page 47).


© 1956 John W. Clark, Jr., All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Sanitary engineering -- Education, higherCurriculum planningUniversities and colleges

Thesis Number

T 1111

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #

