
We investigated l- and m-distributions of He Pi (n=4) states formed during 2-13.3 keV amu -1 He 2++Na(3s) collisions by measuring profiles and the linear polarization of the He Pi (4 to 3) emission. We found that at these energies capture into He +(4f) dominates over capture into other He +(4l) states. Over the indicated energy range the polarization of the 4He Pi (4 to 3) photon emission increases from 0.2 to 0.3 indicating a strong alignment of the captured projectile charge cloud along the internuclear axis. Due to the non-zero nuclear spin the polarization is up to 10% lower when using 3He 2+ projectiles instead of 4He 2+. Classical trajectory Monte Carlo calculations agree quantitatively with these experimental findings and predict a decrease of the polarization towards zero at higher energies due to enhanced capture into He +(4s). A positive polarization is also found for the Na I (3p to 3s) target de-excitation. However, due to strong depolarization effects caused by the nuclear spin of the 23Na nucleus it stays below 0.14. © 1995 IOP Publishing Ltd.



International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

1361-6455; 0953-4075

Document Type

Article - Journal

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Publication Date

14 Aug 1995

Included in

Physics Commons
