"NetExaminer: A Network Visualization Tool" by Justin Miller

Presenter Information

Justin Miller


Computer Science

Research Advisor

Tauritz, Daniel R.

Advisor's Department

Computer Science


The purpose of NetExaminer is to provide a tool that can visualize the condition of a network without communicating with the network being monitored. The application is written for operating systems that support wxWtdgets, a cross -platform GUI toolkit. MySQL was used to provide the data for NetExaminer. Whereas most tools for gathering and displaying security related information available today display data in a readout form, NetExaminer attempts to take the data and display it graphically. The NetExaminer software takes data in from MySQL and generates a list of hosts that matches a pre-defined dy­namic criteria. The project has been a great success, and the application will soon be able to isolate defective and volatile hosts from any network that is being monitored by NetExaminer's data aggregation software.

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

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