"Comparison of Near Wake-Flow Structure Behind a Solid Cap with an Atta" by Hidekazu No, Michel Call et al.

Comparison of Near Wake-Flow Structure Behind a Solid Cap with an Attached Bubble and a Solid Counterpart


An experimental study was conducted on the flow structure in the near-wake of a hollow cap with an air bubble attached underneath and a solid object possessing a bubble-like shape. the objective of the study was to elucidate distinguishing wake flow characteristics of the capped bubble relative to the solid. the experiment was performed in a square channel, 80x80mm 2 in cross section. the bubble and solid were separately suspended in downward flow of purified water. Both the capped bubble and the solid were ellipsoidal in shape (the cap was shaped to represent the front of an ellipsoidal bubble) and had an approximate volume of 0.8ml. the Reynolds number for the flow, based on the objects' equivalent diameter and average downward flow velocity (U=25cm/s), was Re≅2800. Velocity measurements were taken using Particle Image Velocimetry. the obtained velocity data were analyzed to deduce vorticity, turbulent kinetic energy, production, and Reynolds stress. Graphic and numerical comparisons between the two cases were made. the results to date are discussed.


Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science

Keywords and Phrases

Capped bubble; Ellipsoidal bubble; Particle image velocimetry (PIV); Production; Solid object; Turbulent kinetic energy; Turbulent wake flow; Vorticity

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2024 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2003

