Simulation Study of Alpha-Neutron Reactions from AmBe Directional Source using MCNP 6.1.1 with TENDL 2012, 2014, and 2017 Libraries


Angular dependence of 9Be(α, n)12C was simulated in Monte-Carlo N-Particle transport 6.1.1 (MCNP) with TALYS Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (TENDL) 2012, 2014, and 2017 data to determine secondary neutron direction and energy for neutron imaging. The simulations consisted of a 90 µCi 241Am source and a 25 µm thick 9Be target. Neutrons emitted from the 9Be(α, n)12C were collected at different angles of emission within the MCNP simulation, which will be compared to experimental data in the future. The MCNP simulation used alpha induced data obtained through TALYS and processed through NJOY2016 into RECONR and ACER formats. Cross section tables were mapped appropriately in MCNP for the cross-section data to be read. Appropriate source particle weighting was determined for the alpha particles and neutrons, and the results were displayed in the F4 tallies. The total neutron production and neutron spectrum was compared to previous work. Discrepancies between the obtained results and previous work are discussed. Angular and energy dependence of secondary neutrons from TENDL 2012, 2014, and 2017 libraries were found, and will later be compared to experimental results. This work was done to support Patent No: 62/529,583.


Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science

Keywords and Phrases

AmBe; Angular distribution; MCNP; NJOY; Simulation; TENDL

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


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© 2019 Elsevier Ltd, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Apr 2019
