Scholars' Mine - NASA-Missouri Space Grant Consortium: Compact Steam Generator Numerical Analysis and Mechanics Design


Havener Center, St. Pat's Ballroom C

Presentation Date

April 21, 2023, 2:00pm-3:00pm


Session 3


A heat exchanger is a device that is used to transfer heat between two fluids that are at different temperatures and are separated by a solid wall. This system is used in many engineering applications such as air conditions, power production, waste heat recovery and chemical processing. Heat exchangers are commonly classified by their flow arrangement and type of construction. A special and important class of heat exchanger is termed compact heat exchangers, but ‘compact’ does not refer to its size. These heat exchangers are used to achieve higher performance by using very large surface densities (heat transfer surface area per unit volume) and through selection of heat transfer geometries. The aim of the present study is to investigate the design options available for creating compact heat exchangers (CHX) that can be used in commercial nuclear power plants, with the goal of enhancing their technology readiness level for practical deployment. Initially, the study will concentrate on creating efficient computational models using ANSYS Fluent that can accurately provide the working conditions of CHXs in their final application. These computational models will later be validated with physical experiments on CHX samples. Finally, the research will also examine the thermal stress performance of CHXs in different system and design conditions.

Meeting Name

32nd Annual Spring Meeting of the NASA-Mo Space Grant Consortium

Document Type


Document Version

Final Version

File Type





© 2023 The Authors, all rights reserved.


Apr 21st, 2:00 PM Apr 21st, 3:00 PM

Compact Steam Generator Numerical Analysis and Mechanics Design

Havener Center, St. Pat's Ballroom C

A heat exchanger is a device that is used to transfer heat between two fluids that are at different temperatures and are separated by a solid wall. This system is used in many engineering applications such as air conditions, power production, waste heat recovery and chemical processing. Heat exchangers are commonly classified by their flow arrangement and type of construction. A special and important class of heat exchanger is termed compact heat exchangers, but ‘compact’ does not refer to its size. These heat exchangers are used to achieve higher performance by using very large surface densities (heat transfer surface area per unit volume) and through selection of heat transfer geometries. The aim of the present study is to investigate the design options available for creating compact heat exchangers (CHX) that can be used in commercial nuclear power plants, with the goal of enhancing their technology readiness level for practical deployment. Initially, the study will concentrate on creating efficient computational models using ANSYS Fluent that can accurately provide the working conditions of CHXs in their final application. These computational models will later be validated with physical experiments on CHX samples. Finally, the research will also examine the thermal stress performance of CHXs in different system and design conditions.