Manual P-phase Picking on Noisy Acoustic Emission/microseismic Data
The acoustic emission/microseismic monitoring (AE/MS) technique has widely been used in the mining environment for the monitoring of rock mass stability. A successful implementation of the method is hinged on being able to accurately determine the P- or Swave arrival which is then used in the determination of the source of an event. Determination of the arrival phase is usually performed visually by a human expert. However, the mining environment is characterized by high noise levels and different noise types of varying intensities. Therefore, performing manual phase picking on time series data acquired from the AE/MS monitoring system can sometimes be tedious and time consuming if not impossible. In this paper, a proposal for improving manual P-wave phase arrival picks is discussed. The method involves the filtering of the AE/MS data using a stationary discrete wavelet transform (SDWT) method. After filtering, appropriate scales/levels of the multi-level decomposition process are then selected for further processing. The first step in the picking process after filtering, requires the computation of the signal power and the root mean square (RMS) using the signal amplitudes at each scale. The preliminary P-phase arrival time is picked using the results of the calculated power and RMS values respectively. The calculated RMS values are then superimposed on the calculated power values to determine the final arrival picks. If the arrival time picks obtained by both methods coincide or are within 5 to 10 sample points, the pick is considered reliable. The accuracy of the method was verified using AE/MS data from two datasets obtained from two separate underground mines. The results of the study showed that the picking method is reliable and robust. Based on the data studied, it can be concluded that the method will help reduce the time usually spent in processing AE/MS data from mines.
Recommended Citation
C. Mborah and M. C. Ge, "Manual P-phase Picking on Noisy Acoustic Emission/microseismic Data," SME Annual Conference and Expo 2017: Creating Value in a Cyclical Environment, pp. 672 - 675, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Jan 2017.
Mining Engineering
Keywords and Phrases
Acoustic emission/microseismic data; Manual P-wave phase picking; Microseismic monitoring; Stationary discrete wavelet filtering
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Document Type
Article - Conference proceedings
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© 2024 Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Jan 2017