Effect of Nanobubbles on Flotation of El-Maghara Coal


To extensively explore the advantage of using nanobubbles in the El-Maghara coal flotation process, the effect of nanobubbles on both column and mechanical flotation was investigated under different operating parameters such as diesel oil collector dosage, MIBC frother concentration, superficial feed velocity, superficial air velocity, and superficial wash water velocity in column flotation; besides the slurry flow rate through nanobubbles generator into a 25-liter mechanical flotation cell. The representative coal flotation feed acquired from the El-Maghara deposit located in Sinai, Egypt with chemical characterization using proximate analysis containing 25.27% mineral matter forming ash during coal combustion and with particle size distribution measurement using laser particle size analyzer is 57 µm d90. Also, the flotation kinetic experiments were done to show the influence of nanobubbles on the flotation time required to obtain high-quality coal products with high combustible recovery. Nanobubbles enhanced the flotation performance and kinetics by up to 24% combustible recovery based on the operation parameters reducing flotation time from 4 to 2.25 min for 80% combustible recovery.


Mining Engineering


Science and Technology Development Fund, Grant 30065

Keywords and Phrases

ash; El-maghara coal; flotation; Nanobubbles

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

1939-2702; 1939-2699

Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


File Type





© 2024 Taylor and Francis Group; Taylor and Francis, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2024
