Novel Method to Determine Blast Resistant Glazing System Response to Explosive Loading
The goal of the measurement system presented herein is to provide a rich set of data detailing the forces and displacements within a Blast Resistant Glazing System (BRGS) subjected to an explosive load. Designers often rely on post test examination and develop inferences based upon forensic remains when failure occurs. A comprehensive measurement system would alleviate guesswork allowing cost effective solutions to be implemented more quickly and with more confidence. The measurement system can be divided into four subsystems. Three key physical phenomena recorded include pressure, the deflection of the window when loaded, and the reaction forces generated at the surrounding support members. High speed video, the fourth system, provides a visual record of the event. Measurement of force and deflection of the BRGS agreed within 9% of values calculated using SDOF methods. BRGS with new materials can now be evaluated more efficiently by using this measurement system.
Recommended Citation
W. C. Wedding and B. Lusk, "Novel Method to Determine Blast Resistant Glazing System Response to Explosive Loading," Measurement, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 1471 - 1479, Elsevier, Jan 2012.
The definitive version is available at
Mining Engineering
Keywords and Phrases
Blast Testing; Force Load Cell; Measurement of Blast Resistant Glazing System Response
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2012 Elsevier, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Jan 2012