"Numerical Simulation of the Evolution of Solidification Microstructure" by Zhiqiang Fan, Todd E. Sparks et al.


A predictive model is developed to simulate the evolution of the solidification microstructure during the laser deposition process. The microstructure model is coupled with a comprehensive macroscopic thermodynamic model. This model simulates dendritic grain structures and morphological evolution in solidification. Based on the cellular automata approach, this microstructure model takes into account the heterogeneous nucleation both within the melt pool and at the substrate/melt interface, the growth kinetics, and preferential growth directions of dendrites. Both diffusion and convection effects are included. This model enables prediction and visualization of grain structures during and after the deposition process. This model is applied to Ti-6Al-4V.

Meeting Name

18th Annual Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (2007: Aug. 6-8, Austin, TX)


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Second Department

Materials Science and Engineering

Research Center/Lab(s)

Intelligent Systems Center


This research was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant Number DMI-9871185, the grant from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory contract # FA8650-04-C-5704, and UMR Intelligent Systems Center. Their support is greatly appreciated.

Keywords and Phrases

Automata Theory; Cellular Automata; Crystal Microstructure; Deposition; Grain Size and Shape; Interfaces (materials); Diffusion and Convection; Heterogeneous Nucleation; Microstructure Model; Morphological Evolution; Predictive Modeling; Preferential Growth; Solidification Microstructures; Thermodynamic Model; Solidification

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version

Final Version

File Type




Publication Date

08 Aug 2007

