"Modeling and Simulation of a Laser Deposition Process" by Frank W. Liou, Zhiqiang Fan et al.


A laser deposition process involves the supply of metallic powders into a laser-heated spot where the powder is melted and forms a melt puddle which quickly solidifies into a bead. In order to design an effective system, the laser beam, the powder beam, and their interactions need to be fully understood. In this paper, the laser-material interaction within the melt pool is reported using a multi-scale model: A macroscopic model to model mass, heat, and momentum transfer. Experiments were also conducted to validate the simulation model.

Meeting Name

18th Annual Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (2007: Aug. 6-8, Austin, TX)


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Second Department

Materials Science and Engineering

Research Center/Lab(s)

Intelligent Systems Center


This research was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant Number DMI-9871185, the grant from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory contract # FA8650-04-C-5704, and UMR Intelligent Systems Center. Their support is greatly appreciated.

Keywords and Phrases

Deposition; Effective Systems; Laser Depositions; Laser-Material Interactions; Macroscopic Model; Metallic Powder; Model and Simulation; Multi-Scale Modeling; Simulation Model; Computer Simulationsimulation

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version

Final Version

File Type




Publication Date

08 Aug 2007

