An Inverse Reliability Analysis Method for Reliability-Based Design Optimization with Random and Dependent Interval Variables Constrained within Ellipsoids
In practical design problems, interval variables exist. Many existing methods can handle only independent interval variables. Some interval variables, however, are dependent. In this work, dependent interval variables constrained within a multi-ellipsoid convex set are considered and incorporated into reliability-based design optimization (RBDO). An efficient RBDO method is proposed by employing the sequential single-loop procedure, which separates the coupled reliability analysis procedure from the deterministic optimization procedure. In the reliability analysis procedure, a single-loop optimization for the inverse reliability analysis is performed, and an efficient inverse reliability analysis method for searching for the worst-case most probable point (WMPP) is developed. The search method contains two stages. The first stage deals the situation where the WMPP is on the boundary of the feasible region, while the second stage accommodates the situation where the WMPP is inside the feasible region by interpolation. Three examples are used for a demonstration.
Recommended Citation
S. Xie et al., "An Inverse Reliability Analysis Method for Reliability-Based Design Optimization with Random and Dependent Interval Variables Constrained within Ellipsoids," Engineering Optimization, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 2109 - 2126, Taylor and Francis Group; Taylor and Francis, Dec 2019.
The definitive version is available at
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Keywords and Phrases
Dependent interval variable; inverse reliability analysis; multi-ellipsoid convex model; reliability-based design optimization; worst-case most probable point
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
1029-0273; 0305-215X
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2024 Taylor and Francis Group; Taylor and Francis, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
02 Dec 2019
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Grant 51475425