A Representation of Carrier Flows for Functional Design


This research investigates and establishes a convention for the functional representation of the primary/carrier flow relationship utilizing the Functional Basis for design. through primary and carrier flows, a designer can focus a functional model to specifically represent an individual aspect of an electromechanical system. Inclusion of carrier flows in functional modeling also allows designers to capture the flow functionality of simply transporting another flow through a system. Adding a carrier flow convention will allow a product designer to properly represent the primary/carrier flow relationship within a product, and thus the designer will be better able to accurately store, access, and utilize functional models as a design tool. in this work, carrier flows are described and demonstrated in a specific electromechanical example to show how they can be applied to a functional model to illustrate a specific design focus. the same product is then shown with respect to the repository entry application to demonstrate how the design information can be stored for future access and utilization.


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Design modeling; Function representation; Functional focus; Functional modeling; Primary/carrier flows; Systems modeling

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


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© 2024 The Design Society, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Dec 2007

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