Product Architecture Development with Quantitative Functional Models


A key phase in product design and development processes is the establishment of product architectures. During this phase, functional models are transformed into alternative product layouts. In this paper, we introduce a methodology for representing a functional model of a product in a quantitative manner. The quantitative functional model captures product functionality and customer need information. Repositories can be created which house product design knowledge for a vast number of products using this novel representation. Numerical manipulations of such a repository assist in developing product architectures. In particular, product families and aggregate customer need ratings for modules are easily computed. Also, the quantitative functional model provides a mechanism to archive and transmit design knowledge across time and space. Prior to presentation of the methodology, a review of customer rieeds gathering techniques and module identification methods is given. Results from a repository of 70 consumer products are presented to illustrate the utility of the quantitative functional model.


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


National Science Foundation, Grant None

Keywords and Phrases

Customer needs; Functional modeling; Modular design; Product architecture

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


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© 2024 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 1999
