Case Adaptation in a Case-Based Process Planning System


This paper describes the case adaptation in a case-based process planning system: PROCASE. PROCASE is an acronym for EProcess Routines Organized as Case Archives with Simulation Environment. In a case-based process planning system, a new process plan is generated by adapting an existing similar process planning case. Case adaptation is an important and, most of the times, diffícult issue. This is because first, usually, an existing case may be a similar case but not an identical case. Adaptation is essential to tailor this similar process planning case to generate a new process plan which can produce exactly the new part needed. Second, adaptation involves many reasoning processes which embeds a great amount of knowledge. To encode such knowledge for computer simulation is not a plain task. The case adaptation in PROCASE comprises case modification and case repairing. This paper will first briefly introduce the case representaüoil and case reUieving in PROCASE. Then the rest of the paper will present the case adaptation in PROCASE.


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

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Publication Date

01 Jan 1994

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