"Validation of a GNC Algorithm Using a Stereoscopic Imaging Sensor to C" by D. Jennings, J. Davis et al.

Validation of a GNC Algorithm Using a Stereoscopic Imaging Sensor to Conduct Close Proximity Operations


The set of guidance, navigation, and control algorithms for a satellite using a stereoscopic imaging sensor to conduct close proximity operations about a noncooperative resident space object is used as a case study for a new means of verification and validation. This V&V method uses AGI's STK in conjunction with MATLAB to replicate mission-like sensor data as well as perform high-fidelity orbit propagation. The STK scenario acts as a truth model as well as a means to provide sensor data. These sensor data are corrupted with noise and bias and are then processed by the GNC algorithms to determine a commanded control. The commanded control is then corrupted by noise and applied to the STK scenario as an impulsive maneuver. The scenario is propagated to the next time step and the process repeats. Upon completion of the simulation, the algorithms are validated by a visual inspection of the relative trajectory. To verify the algorithms both acceptance testing and requirement evaluation are used to confirm all mission objectives are achieved.

Meeting Name

41st AAS Annual Guidance and Control Conference (2018: Feb. 1-7, Breckenridge, CO)


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


The authors and the Missouri University of Science and Technology Satellite Research team gratefully acknowledge the support and technical mentoring of AFRL's University Nanosatellite Program office as well as the technical support of Analytical Graphics, Inc.

Keywords and Phrases

Acceptance tests; MATLAB; Orbits; Acceptance testing; Close proximity; Guidance, navigation, and controls; Mission objectives; Orbit propagation; Stereoscopic imaging; Verification-and-validation; Visual inspection; Stereo image processing

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


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© 2018 Univelt Inc., All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Feb 2018

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