"Robust Design Optimization Involving Interval Parameters Based on Robu" by Deshun Liu, Wenhui Yue et al.

Robust Design Optimization Involving Interval Parameters Based on Robust Performance Variations


This paper present a hew robust design optimization method based on robust performance variation estimation, in which only the known ranges of design parameters were required without presumed probability distributions. the robust performance variation was used to represent the robustness of design instead of the robustness index, the robustness of objective value and the robustness of feasibility in the formulation of robust design optimization. the new robust design optimization involving interval parameters included three levels. Upper level optimized objective function subject to the robustness constraints, which output a design solution and receipted the robust performance variations of objective functions and constraint functions from the middle level. the middle level conducted the search for the robust performance variations using an iterative approach, which output robust performance variations and receipted the design solution for the upper level, and output the performance variation and obtained the robustness index for the lower level. Lower level performed the search for the robustness index at a given performance variation by means of an optimization approach. by using analytical interpretation and providing illustrative examples, the RPV method shows its advantages that its process and results are easier to be understood by designers and that it enables designers to easier achieve the robustness of a design solution by simultaneously optimizing the mean performance, minimizing the performance variation and maintaining feasibility robustness and to carry out a trade-off analysis between the objective values and the robustness of design solutions because the robust performance variation is of the same physical significance as the performance function.


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Document Type

Article - Journal

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© 2007 Zhongguo ji xie gong cheng za zhi she, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2007

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