"Strength Comparison for Fully Dense Zirconium Diboride Ceramics Tested" by Darko Kosanović, Suzana Filipović et al.


The strength of zirconium diboride ceramics was tested by three different methods, 3-point flexure, 4-point flexure, and compression. Nearly full-density ceramics were obtained by hot pressing commercial ZrB2 powder with the addition of.5 wt.% carbon as a sintering aid. The thermal properties and hardness were studied for ZrB2 milled with ZrB2 and WC media. Based on phase purity and higher thermal conductivity, ZrB2 ceramics prepared from powders milled with ZrB2 media were selected for mechanical property studies. The strength in 3-point flexure was 546 ± 55 MPa. The flexure strength was 476 ± 41 MPa in 4-point bending, which was ∼20% higher than the previously reported value of 398 MPa for ZrB2 with similar grain sizes due to higher relative density and lower impurity contents. Compression testing was performed at room temperature, and the strength was 1110 ± 358 MPa. Finally, the fracture toughness of pure ZrB2 ceramics was determined by the chevron-notched beam method to be 3.6 ±.7 MPa m1/2. The strength and fracture toughness values are higher than those previously published for ZrB2 ceramics and can be attributed to higher density and lower grain size. The strength-limiting flaw sizes were comparable to the grain size, suggesting that porosity and impurity phases did not play a significant role in the strength of these ceramics.


Materials Science and Engineering

Publication Status

Full Access


Ministarstvo Prosvete, Nauke i Tehnološkog Razvoja, Grant FA9550‐22‐1‐0064

Keywords and Phrases

hot pressing; mechanical properties; ZrB 2

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

1744-7402; 1546-542X

Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


File Type





© 2024 Wiley, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2024
