"High Current Density Electrowinning of Nickel in EMEW® Cells" by J. Robinson, I. Ewart et al.

High Current Density Electrowinning of Nickel in EMEW® Cells


Modern nickel electrowinning from sulfate electrolytes is beset by several processing challenges. This includes the need to operate a covered divided cell to minimize nickel mist emissions and ensure nickel plating. Electrometals' electrowinning (EMEW®) technology overcomes these challenges through the modified geometry of its revolutionary cell design. The EMEW® system exploits a higher solution flow rate in a sealed tubular cell. In this paper, data from commercial scale cells will be presented demonstrating the plating of high purity nickel from lower nickel tenor solutions at higher current densities while eliminating the need for diaphragms. Additionally, the EMEW® design consists of enclosed, round cells, which has the dual benefit of maintaining a healthier, cleaner work environment, as well as producing coherent, tubular cathodes. The cylindrical shape of the cathodes makes them easily harvestable, and also mitigates the effect of the well-known internal stresses inherent to nickel electrowon from sulfate solution.

Meeting Name

TMS 2013 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Ni-Co 2013 (2013: Mar. 3-7, San Antonio, TX)


Materials Science and Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Cylindrical shapes; EMEW; High current densities; Nickel electrowinning; Solution flow rate; Sulfate electrolytes; Sulfate solutions; Work environments, Cathodes; Cells; Current density; Cytology; Electrowinning; Exhibitions; Nickel plating, Nickel

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2013 Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2013

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