"The Effects of MIM Processing Parameters on Variations in Part Weights" by James Alan Sago and Joseph William Newkirk

The Effects of MIM Processing Parameters on Variations in Part Weights and Dimensions


In this study a Design of Experiments approach was applied to the production of Charpy impact bars by metal injection molding (MIM). The investigation demonstrates the effects of processing control parameters on part weights and dimensional properties. The effects of molding, debinding, sintering, and heat-treatment on part weight and dimensions of 17-4PH and 8620 MIM alloys will be reported. The resultant distributions and variation of part weights and dimensional properties will be analyzed and correlated with the MIM processing parameters. The analysis of the resulting part weights and dimensional properties will be correlated with the mechanical and physical properties including impact toughness, hardness, density, and carbon content.

Meeting Name

2005 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, PowderMet 2005 (2005: Jun. 19-23, Montreal, QC, Canada)


Materials Science and Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Carbon Content; Charpy Impact; Control Parameters; Debinding; Dimensional Properties; Mechanical and Physical Properties; Metal Injection Molding; Processing Parameters; Design of Experiments; Powder Metallurgy; Sintering; MIM Devices

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2005 Metal Powder Industries Federation, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

23 Jun 2005

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