"Microstructural Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Laser De" by Harihar Rakshit Sistla, Joseph William Newkirk et al.

Microstructural Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Laser Deposited High Entropy Alloys


High entropy alloys have attracted great interest due to their flexibility in composition accompanied with very interesting properties, which make these materials candidates for further research. The formation of single solid solution phases as a preference to complex mixtures of intermetallic phases leads to good mechanical and thermal properties. Additive manufacturing in the form of Laser deposition presents us with a very unique way to manufacture near net shape metallic components with advanced materials. The present study focusses on the characterization of High entropy alloys manufactured through laser deposition. The alloy system considered for this study is (AlFeCoCrNi). The ratio of aluminum to nickel was decreased to observe the transition of the solid solution from a BCC structure to a FCC structure. The lattice parameter increased from .288 nm to .357 nm and the hardness decreased from Hv 670 to Hv 149 respectively. The effect of composition on thermodynamic variables, microstructure and mechanical properties were analyzed.

Meeting Name

143rd TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition (2014: Feb. 16-20, San Diego, CA)


Materials Science and Engineering

Second Department

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

3D Printers; Crystal Structure; Deposition; Exhibitions; Manufacture; Mechanical Properties; Rapid Solidification; Solid Solutions; Thermodynamic Properties; Additive Manufacturing; High Entropy Alloys; Laser Depositions; Mechanical and Thermal Properties; Micro-Structural Characterization; Microstructure and Mechanical Properties; Solid Solution Phasis; Thermodynamic Variables; Characterization; Rapid Solidification

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2014 Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Feb 2014

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