"Fatigue Analysis of Ultrafine Grained Al 1050 Alloy Produced by Cyclic" by Hamid Alihosseini and Mohsen Asle Zaeem

Fatigue Analysis of Ultrafine Grained Al 1050 Alloy Produced by Cyclic Forward Backward Extrusion


In this work, fatigue behavior of ultrafme-grained (UFG) Al 1050 alloy produced by a cyclic forward-backward extrusion (CFBE) was studied. Initial average grain size of 120 µm was reduced to 1µm, 600nm and 320nm using 1, 2 and 3 cycles CFBE process, respectively. After three CFBE cycles, both yield strength and tensile strength increased about 3.5 and 3 times greater than those of as-received samples. Fatigue tests were carried out under load-controlled mode at a frequency of 15 Hz. Results indicate that grain refinement of Al 1050 samples improved the resistance to fatigue crack nucleation under predominantly high cycle fatigue loading. To explain the formation process of damage surfaces, microstructure changes in the damage surfaces caused by cyclic stresses were studied by scan electron microscopy (SEM).

Meeting Name

142nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition: Linking Science and Technology for Global Solutions (2013: Mar. 3-7, San Antonio, TX)


Materials Science and Engineering


TMS Aluminum Committee

Keywords and Phrases

Average grain size; Backward extrusion; Cyclic forward-backward extrusion (CFBE); Fatigue-crack nucleation; High cycle fatigue; Microstructure changes; Scan electron microscopy; Ultrafine-grained; Electron microscopy; Exhibitions; Fatigue of materials; Fatigue testing; Grain refinement; Grain size and shape; Tensile strength; Aluminum; Al 1050

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2013 Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2013

