"Physical Modeling Studies of Major Factors Affecting Slag Splashing" by Anju K. Garg and Kent D. Peaslee

Physical Modeling Studies of Major Factors Affecting Slag Splashing


Slag splashing has been used successfully in several basic oxygen furnaces (BOFs) to enhance the campaign life. Most slag splashing practices have been established through observations of the wear and buildup on the inside of vessels during plant trials. The purpose of this paper is to predict the effects of changing operating parameters on the quantity and location of slag splashed onto the wall of a BOF. Physical modeling experiments were conducted in a 1/8-scale plexiglass model of a BOF in which splash striking the walls was collected and converted to mass flux values. A design of experiments approach was used to individually determine the effect that the number of nozzles, the nozzle angle, the momentum flow rate, the lance height, the slag depth, and the viscosity of the slag had on the mass flux of slag splashing at each location along the wall.


Materials Science and Engineering

Research Center/Lab(s)

Peaslee Steel Manufacturing Research Center

Keywords and Phrases

Oxygen Steelmaking Process; Nozzle; Modeling; Slag; Flow Velocity; Viscosity; Physical Modeling; Furnace Wall

Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


File Type





© 1998 The Iron & Steel Society (IOM3), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 1998

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