Thermal Expansion of Investment Casting Pattern Wax
One of the major reasons for shell cracking in the investment casting process is the thermal expansion of pattern wax during autoclaving. Parameters of the wax pattern-making process were considered including: injection flow orientation, reclamation procedure, and injection pressure. The effect of glassy and crystalline components of wax structure was examined. Thermal expansion was measured by a non-contact method to ensure true free expansion measurements. Filled and unfilled waxes from production foundries were measured. To provide basis of comparison, two vendor-recommended waxes were studied as well as the Cerita 29-51 wax that has been extensively studied by other investigators (Sabau, 2000).
Recommended Citation
V. Richards and S. A. Mascreen, "Thermal Expansion of Investment Casting Pattern Wax," Transactions of the American Foundry Society, American Foundry Society (AFS), Jan 2003.
Materials Science and Engineering
Keywords and Phrases
Investment Casting Process; Pattern Wax; Shell Cracking; Thermal Expansion
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2003 American Foundry Society (AFS), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Jan 2003