Consider the circle group T = R mod 2_ as the interval [0, 1). Then each x 2 T has a binary expansion: x =P1 k=1 xk2−k where each xk is 0 or 1. Let S be the set of x with a binary expansionsuch that the number of 1's does not exceed the number of the leading zeros by more than one. The authors prove that the countable compact set S cannot be expressed as the union of a finite number of Dirichlet sets.
Recommended Citation
D. E. Grow and M. Insall, "Further Properties of an Extremal Set of Uniqueness," Colloq. Math, American Mathematical Society, Jan 1998.
Mathematics and Statistics
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
Final Version
File Type
© 1998 American Mathematical Society, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Jan 1998