"Research and development of a laser hot wire deposition process" by Christopher Croft

Masters Theses


“Laser hot wire directed energy deposition (DED) is an increasingly popular method for improving deposition rates and overall reduction of build times in DED processing. While there is clear benefit, it is important to fully understand the impact of preheating the wire. This work focuses on developing a model that describes bead geometry output using all factors including the wire preheat. The model was fit with over 150 data points that explored a large range of each factor. The resulting model was then leveraged to evaluate a process control variable. The technique chosen used feedback from the hot wire system to modulate travel speed and control deposition height. Experiments were performed and analyzed that showed the efficacy of the control technique. Finally, a case study explored potential benefits of having an in-control process and a deep understanding of the parameter space. While this work focuses on laser hot wire DED, the tools presented aim to lay a foundation for advancing the science of thermal processes”--Abstract, page iii.


Liou, Frank W.

Committee Member(s)

Sparks, Todd E.
Midha, A. (Ashok)


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Manufacturing Engineering


This work was supported by GKN Aerospace through the Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies (CAMT) and the Intelligent Systems Center (ISC) at Missouri S&T.

Research Center/Lab(s)

Intelligent Systems Center


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2021


x, 43 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographic references (pages 39-42).


© 2021 Christopher Croft, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 11942

Included in

Manufacturing Commons


