"An investigation of the economic order quantity model with quantity di" by Tiffanie Marie Toles

Masters Theses

Keywords and Phrases

Bi-Objective Formulation; Inventory Management; Operations Science; Supply Chain Management


"In a sustainable supply chain, retailers are the direct link between customers and products. Retailers play an important role by relaying feedback such as customer satisfaction, inventory improvement, or product improvement to the other key players in a supply chain. Their overall goal is to reduce supply chain costs, such as the cost of ordering product, transporting product, or holding product in inventory. Other costs associated in a supply chain can include environmental and operations costs. It is important to consider these costs due to the impact environmental operations play in the role of how sustainable a supply chain can be. By reducing supply chain costs, retailers can take advantage of maximizing their profit. This study investigates how a retailer may reduce costs while considering the impact of carbon emissions in a supply chain. From the inventory management perspective, retailers may order product in large quantities and take advantage of economies of scale. By using a bi-objective formulation of the economic order quantity model, the main goal is find order quantities that reduce costs and emissions. A two-part all-units discount approach offered from the supplier is applied to the model, yielding several cases in which the cost and/or emissions functions are minimized. A Pareto front numerical solution set explicitly characterizes that quantity discounts can either decrease costs and emissions of the retailer or decrease costs while increasing the emissions impact of the retailer, therefore, this study shows how quantity discounts do affect the environment"--Abstract, page iii.


Konur, Dincer

Committee Member(s)

Corns, Steven
Qin, Ruwen


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Engineering Management


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Spring 2018


ix, 39 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographic references (37-38).


© 2018 Tiffanie Marie Toles, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 11727

Electronic OCLC #

