"Design and modeling of an aluminum smelting process to analyze aluminu" by Rajesh Ramkrushna Patharabe

Masters Theses

Keywords and Phrases

Alternative uses of nuclear power small modular reactor; Aluminum smelting; High temperature co-electrolysis; Mimic dynamic simulation; Solid oxide electrolytic cell; Synthetic gas production


"This thesis focuses on design and analysis of an Aluminum Smelting process using computer simulation which performs a dynamic state computation. The objective is to develop a Dynamic Simulation Model of an Aluminum Smelter using Mimic Simulator to analyze the dynamic behavior of an Aluminum Smelter to evaluate strategies for alternative design or uses of Nuclear Power Small Modular Reactor to improve the efficiency of the process and to reduce the heat losses.

Increasing energy needs, decrease of the availability of cheap electricity and the need to reduce the greenhouse gases emissions are the biggest hurdles for running Aluminum smelters efficiently in industries. Developing a dynamic process model identifies different process parameters by performing a steady state and dynamic mass and heat balance. Mimic Simulation is an effective process modeling tool which can predict system ideal and non-ideal condition behavior and optimize the overall process.

The design and simulation approach for this process is similar to chemical processes with electrical heating and ionization effects of the chemical compounds are not considered. This work identifies the critical impact of Smelter temperature on Aluminum production and carbon dioxide emission and optimizes the electric heating require for the process. This system also employs a high temperature Steam/CO2 Co-electrolysis unit for the utilization of carbon dioxide from Aluminum smelting for the production of synthetic gas using nuclear heat to support Missouri's Aluminum industry.

A Kinetic based dynamic model is developed to simulate a real system. Mimic predicted values which can be further validated with experimental results from real systems or industrial data"--Abstract, page iv.


Smith, Joseph D.

Committee Member(s)

Al-Dahhan, Muthanna H.
Ludlow, Douglas K.


Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Chemical Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Spring 2017

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • A mimic dynamic simulation of a high temperatrue aluminum smelting process to analyze aluminum smelter and to identify the alternative uses of nuclear power small modular reactor
  • High temperature Steam/CO2 Co-electrolysis for the utilization of carbon dioxide from aluminum smelting process for the production of synthetic gas


xii, 69 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references.


© 2017 Rajesh Ramkrushna Patharabe, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 11502

Electronic OCLC #

