"Analysis of outsourcing data to the cloud using autonomous key generat" by Mortada Abdulwahed Aman

Masters Theses

Keywords and Phrases

Autonomous Key Generation; Cloud Computing; Data Integrity; Data Security; Encryption; Performance


"Cloud computing, a technology that enables users to store and manage their data at a low cost and high availability, has been emerging for the past few decades because of the many services it provides. One of the many services cloud computing provides to its users is data storage. The majority of the users of this service are still concerned to outsource their data due to the integrity and confidentiality issues, as well as performance and cost issues, that come along with it. These issues make it necessary to encrypt data prior to outsourcing it to the cloud. However, encrypting data prior to outsourcing makes searching the data obsolete, lowering the functionality of the cloud. Most existing cloud storage schemes often prioritize security over performance and functionality, or vice versa. In this thesis, the cloud storage service is explored, and the aspects of security, performance, and functionality are analyzed in order to investigate the trade-offs of the service. DSB-SEIS, a scheme with encryption intensity selection, an autonomous key generation algorithm that allows users to control the encryption intensity of their files, as well as other features is developed in order to find a balance between performance, security, and functionality. The features that DSB-SEIS contains are deduplication, assured deletion, and searchable encryption. The effect of encryption intensity selection on encryption, decryption, and key generation is explored, and the performance and security of DSB-SEIS are evaluated. The MapReduce framework is also used to investigate the DSB-SEIS algorithm performance with big data. Analysis demonstrates that the encryption intensity selection algorithm generates a manageable number of encryption keys based on the confidentiality of data while not adding significant overhead on encryption or decryption"--Abstract, page iii.


Çetinkaya, Egemen K.

Committee Member(s)

Zawodniok, Maciej Jan, 1975-
Madria, Sanjay Kumar


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Computer Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2017


ix, 227 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 220-226).


© 2017 Mortada Abdulwahed Aman, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 11212

Electronic OCLC #

