"Aerial vehicle trajectory design for spatio-temporal task satisfaction" by Amarender Reddy Mekala

Masters Theses

Keywords and Phrases

Maneuvering; No-Fly Zones Avoidance; Task Points; Trajectory Design; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle / Flight; Waypoints


"Flight trajectories are mainly designed in order to make sure that the aerial vehicle reaches the destination point from the start point. In addition to that, the flight path is designed in such a way that the flight avoids dangerous zones and the maneuvers required for the path are practically feasible for the flight.

This thesis focuses on the aerial vehicle trajectory generation passing through a set of pre-defined way points while satisfying the task points sent by the ground base station in between the way points. Each specified waypoint is reached exactly at the specified location and time. Intermediate waypoints are generated in such a way that they satisfy the task points, which give high benefit measure, i.e. satisfying tasks with high task priority and QoS (Quality of Service) priority. Generated waypoints are points from where imagery data of the tasks are collected. Task points are aggregated by the TABUM (Task Aggregation Based on Utility Metric) approach, which takes into consideration factors such as task points' priorities, sensory capability and deviation required from the shortest path to satisfy that waypoint.

We generate a 4D flight trajectory, which is a collection of predefined waypoints and generated waypoints by taking the velocities, maneuverability of the aerial vehicle into consideration while ensuring that the vehicle avoids the no-fly zones. We finally frame the problem of trajectory generation in a constrained environment as an optimization problem and solve it by increasing the benefit measure and decreasing the cost measure (deviation from line-of-sight path). We perform experiments to show the effect of the utility metric threshold value and compare the performance of the vehicles' trajectory with flight maneuverability and helicopter maneuverability capabilities. We also show how the performance of the sensor/camera attached to the flight will effect the benefit measure"--Abstract, page iv.


Madria, Sanjay Kumar

Committee Member(s)

Sabharwal, Chaman
Lin, Dan


Computer Science

Degree Name

M.S. in Computer Science


Air Force Research Laboratory (Rome, New York)


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date



xi, 52 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (page 51).


© 2015 Amarender Reddy Mekala, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 11149

Electronic OCLC #

