"Exploring reservoir connectivity with production data: Two new methods" by Ghazwan Faisal Jasim Al-Khmaysawee

Masters Theses

Keywords and Phrases

Reservoir Connectivity


"This study presents two new, simple methods to explore reservoir connectivity, which has a significant impact on field development strategy. Identifying reservoir connectivity during primary depletion plays an important role in achieving the most cost-effective and highest production possible. It is also very important in future secondary and tertiary oil recovery, particularly when costs dictate a limited number of wells such as those in deepwater environments.

The presented methods are reciprocal-productivity index versus total field material-balance time trend lines and reciprocal-productivity index versus time trend lines. Those two methods are quick, simple, inexpensive, and only need rate and pressure data during primary depletion, which are commonly available. Also, those two methods can be used with a limited number of wells and limited production data.

A new technique using the diagnostic plot, which shows compartmentalization depending on the drainage volume associated with each individual well that calculated by using rate-transient analysis and capacitance-resistance model during primary depletion is presented.

A commercial numerical-reservoir simulator was used to generate hundreds of synthetic cases. Both a commercial rate-transient analysis tool and a capacitance-resistance model allow estimation of the drainage volume associated with each individual well during primary depletion. The power and utility of all methods used in this study were demonstrated for reservoirs with various permeability, heterogeneity, and well count"--Abstract, page iii.


Flori, Ralph E.

Committee Member(s)

Heidari, Peyman
Wei, Mingzhen


Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Petroleum Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2016


xiv, 122 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 116-121).


© 2016 Ghazwan Faisal Jasim Al-Khmaysawee

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Reservoirs -- TestingEnhanced oil recoveryOil fields -- Production methods

Thesis Number

T 11007

Electronic OCLC #

