"Space-based relative multitarget tracking" by Keith Allen LeGrand

Masters Theses

Keywords and Phrases

Proximity operations


"Access to space has expanded dramatically over the past decade. The growing popularity of small satellites, specifically cubesats, and the following launch initiatives have resulted in exponentially growing launch numbers into low Earth orbit. This growing congestion in space has punctuated the need for local space monitoring and autonomous satellite inspection. This work describes the development of a framework for monitoring local space and tracking multiple objects concurrently in a satellite's neighborhood. The development of this multitarget tracking systems has produced collateral developments in numerical methods, relative orbital mechanics, and initial relative orbit determination.

This work belongs to a class of navigation known as angles-only navigation, in which angles representing the direction to the target are measured but no range measurements are available. A key difference between this work and traditional angles-only relative navigation research is that angle measurements are collected from two separate cameras simultaneously. Such measurements, when coupled with the known location and orientation of the stereo cameras, can be used to resolve the relative range component of a target's position. This fact is exploited to form initial statistical representations of the targets' relative states, which are subsequently refined in Bayesian single-target and multitarget frameworks"--Abstract, page iii.


DeMars, Kyle J.
Pernicka, Hank

Committee Member(s)

Bredemann, Michael Van
Hosder, Serhat


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Aerospace Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2015


xi, 125 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 118-124).


© 2015 Keith Allen LeGrand, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Artificial satellites -- NavigationArtificial satellites -- Orbits -- Mathematical modelsArtificial satellites -- TrackingAstrodynamics

Thesis Number

T 10789

Electronic OCLC #

