"Internet-accessible hot cell with gamma spectroscopy at the Missouri U" by Edwin Grant

Masters Theses


Edwin Grant


A dual-chambered internet-accessible heavily shielded facility with pneumatic access to the University of Missouri Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) 200 kW Research Nuclear Reactor (MSTR) core has been built and is currently under low level irradiation testing. The facility allows distance users doing collaborative work with Missouri S&T researchers to manipulate and analyze neutron irradiated samples remotely. The system consists of two shielded compartments, one for multiple sample storage (up to 11 samples), and the other for isolated radiation measurements and spectroscopy. The second chamber has multiple detector ports, graded shielding, and has the capability to support gamma spectroscopy using a multitude of radiation detectors such as an HPGe detector. Both these chambers are connected though a rapid pneumatic system (rabbit) with access to the MSTR reactor. This new internet-based system will complement the current bare rabbit tube (BRT) and cadmium lined rabbit tube (CRT) facilities. The total transportation time between the core and the hot cell, for samples weighing approximately ten grams is roughly 3.0 seconds. This work was funded by the DOE grant number DE-FG07-07ID14852 and will expand the capabilities of research at the MSTR, and allows others to actively participate in research"--Abstract, page iv.


Mueller, Gary Edward, 1954-

Committee Member(s)

Usman, Shoaib
Kumar, A. S. (Arvind S.)
Castaño, Carlos H.


Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science

Degree Name

M.S. in Nuclear Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2010


viii, 44 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references.


© 2010 Edwin Joseph Grant, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Internet -- Access controlNeutron irradiationNeutron transport theoryParticles (Nuclear physics)Photon transport theory

Thesis Number

T 9728

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #

