Masters Theses

Alternative Title

Approximate query processing using multilayered data model to preserve privacy of data

Keywords and Phrases

Multi-layered database; Approximate query processor


""Between January and December 2004, Consumer Sentinel, the complaint database developed and maintained by the FTC, received over 635,000 consumer fraud and identity theft complaints. Consumers reported losses from fraud of more than $547 million."- Federal Trade Commission. It is also reported that intruders for more than half of the cases involve victim's neighbors, friends, relatives or employees. They use the information for which they have access to obtain (infer) more sensitive data. So not only sensitive data but also the channels which lead to them should be protected. But the increase in privacy protection will sometimes thwart the purpose. of the application which is to serve legitimate users. So, both protection and purpose of the application should be considered.

In this thesis, we describe a query approximation system which uses the Multilayered Database (MLDB) and then proceeds to analyze different inference problems that may occur in MLDB. MLDB is a collection of summarized relational data generated using domain based concept hierarchies, which provides an approximate result even when the user does not have access. The system, we described not only generates approximate answers to queries based on the user's access control level but also enforces inference checking, thus preserving both privacy of data and purpose of the application"--Abstract, page iv.


St. Clair, Daniel C.
Madria, Sanjay Kumar

Committee Member(s)

Enke, David Lee, 1965-
Yu, Vincent (Wen-Bin)


Computer Science

Degree Name

M.S. in Computer Science


Accompanying CD-ROM, available at Missouri S&T Library, contains "the Microsoft Visual C++ Code for generating multilayered database model and the approximate query processor".
System requirements: Windows XP with minimum configuration Wordpad, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, Oracle 9i


University of Missouri--Rolla

Publication Date

Fall 2005

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • Analyzing inference problems in multilayered database model


xi, 66 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references.


© 2005 Muthukumar Narayanan, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Computer securityComputer networks -- Security measuresInference

Thesis Number

T 8870

Print OCLC #


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