"Investigations of the feasibility of transporting ore in open-flumes." by Kirtikant R. Sheth

Masters Theses


"Considerable effort has been expended and many data are published on developing the technologies of pipeline transportation and hydraulic hoisting. However, comparatively little information is available on the techniques of hydraulic mining, and nearly none ii is reported on conveying slurries in open flumes. For this reason, the author chose to investigate some of the parameters that influence open-flume transport.

It was found that Durand has assembled the findings of several investigators into a simple mathematical expression which is accepted as a standard for designing slurry pipelines. ·Further investigation by the writer revealed that Durand's formula, with only minor modification, could be applied to the design of open fumes with equal dependability. This eliminated any pressing need for further study into the "established" flow conditions in flumes.

The above findings caused all research efforts to be directed toward developing basic data which may be used for designing a hydraulic gathering system for conveying mine products into a flume as they are dislodged from the mine face by means of a water monitor. This system involved the flushing of broken solids along the mine bottom and into an open fume. The influence of particle size, specific gravity, bottom slope and water flow rate was determined and analyzed. Although the resulting data are of insufficient scope to permit the direct design of a commercial flume system, it is believed that a suitable pilot installation could justifiable be attempted. A hypothetical design calculation is presented to demonstrate the usability of these findings"-- Abstract, pp. ii-iii


Bruzewski, Robert F., 1918-1978

Committee Member(s)

Brownlow, Arthur H.
Maxwell, James C.
Christiansen, Carl R., 1921-1991


Mining Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Mining Engineering


University of Missouri at Rolla

Publication Date



xiii, 121 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 118-120)


© 1964 Kirtikant R. Sheth, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 1610

Print OCLC #

