"Doubly fed induction generator with integrated energy storage system f" by Nishant Swaraj Chouhan

Masters Theses


"Wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energies in the world today. However, integration of wind power into the power system network is still confronting many challenges. One of the main challenges is the suppression of wind power fluctuations. This thesis focuses on integration of wind power with energy storage to overcome the integration challenges. The first part of this thesis investigates the suitability of energy storage systems for transmission, distribution and wind farm applications. A review on the available energy storage systems is performed considering several criteria. Efforts are made to investigate solutions that meet all the power system requirements. In the second part of the thesis, a wind turbine generator with integrated energy storage system is modeled and studied for smoothening of the output power fluctuations due to changes in wind velocity. An ultra-capacitor is used as an energy storage system which is integrated into the doubly-fed induction generator through a bidirectional buck-boost dc-dc converter. Different modes of operation for the integrated system are studied and the simulation results verify the effectiveness of the designed model using the software package MATLAB/Simulink. The last part of the thesis focuses on application of the doubly-fed induction machine. The grid-side converter of the machine is used to supply harmonics for nearby non-linear loads. A multiple reference frame synchronous estimator and controller are used to track and eliminate the dynamically changing 6k ±1 harmonics on the power system network. This complete system is developed and tested using the software package PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulation results and the harmonic analysis verify the correct operation of the system"--Abstract, page iii.


Corzine, Keith, 1968-
Ferdowsi, Mehdi

Committee Member(s)

Chowdhury, Badrul H.
Crow, Mariesa


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Electrical Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2010


xiii, 93 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 118-127).


© 2010 Nishant Swaraj Chouhan, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Control theory -- Computer programsElectric motors, Induction -- DesignEnergy storage -- Equipment and suppliesEnergy storageWind power

Thesis Number

T 9722

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #

