"Comprehensive evaluation of a computer based learning system" by Arun Sharma Chintalapati

Masters Theses

Keywords and Phrases

Rapid Development System (RDS)


"This thesis presents the results of a comprehensive multi-method evaluation that was conducted on the Rapid Development System (RDS), a computer-based learning environment. The development of the project was funded by a National Science Foundation grant. Prior to this evaluation, the RDS had gone through two iterations.

A pre/post evaluation was conducted using questionnaires and eye tracking. Multi-method evaluation was employed to help triangulate the results and to provide additional insights. Data from the eye tracking was used to study the influence of the RDS interface on the attention and the cognitive workload of students with respect to the learning styles (visual/verbal).

From the results, a significant improvement was noticed in users' interest levels toward the subject after using RDS. Students reported a significant increase in knowledge after using the system. Minor usability issues were reported using the qualitative data from the eye tracking. We also found differences between visual learners and verbal learners with respect to attention, cognitive workload, perceived ease of use and perceived learning outcome.

Overall, this study found that RDS was well received by the participants and could be used as an effective learning tool in teaching the concepts of control design. Results from this study can help guide the design of computer based learning systems"--Abstract, page iii.


Sheng, Hong

Committee Member(s)

Landers, Robert G.
Hall, Richard H.


Business and Information Technology

Degree Name

M.S. in Information Science and Technology


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2011


ix, 91 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 75-90).


© 2011 Arun Sharma Chintalapati, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Computer-assisted instruction -- EvaluationInstructional systems -- Evaluation

Thesis Number

T 9920

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #

