Masters Theses
Impacts of urbanization on stream stability
"The aim of this research is to investigate the effective discharge of urban streams using an Erosion Potential Based approach. The urban streams selected for this study are Fishpot and Fee Fee Creek in St. Louis. A six step method was adopted to compute effective discharge which includes creating design storms then running the SWMM model with three different sets of parameters values to simulate conditions in the watershed in the existing (1998), future (2010), future with detention (2010)...A secondary aim will be to study geomorphic parameters of urban streams and find the effects of detention basins on the effective discharge"--Abstract, page iii.
Morris, Charles Darwin
Committee Member(s)
Cawlfield, Jeffrey D.
Mendoza, Cesar
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Degree Name
M.S. in Civil Engineering
Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (Mo.)
University of Missouri--Rolla
Publication Date
Fall 2005
xii, 109 pages
Geographic Coverage
Fishpot Creek (Mo.)
Fee Fee Creek (Mo.)
© 2005 Shweta Vyas, All rights reserved.
Document Type
Thesis - Citation
File Type
Subject Headings
Geomorphology -- MissouriSedimentation and deposition -- MissouriStreamflow -- Mathematical models -- Missouri -- Fee Fee CreekStreamflow -- Mathematical models -- Missouri -- Fishpot CreekUrban runoff -- Missouri -- Fee Fee CreekUrban runoff -- Missouri -- Fishpot Creek
Thesis Number
T 8943
Print OCLC #
Recommended Citation
Vyas, Shweta, "Impacts of urbanization on stream stability" (2005). Masters Theses. 3866.
Appendix B.doc (296 kB)
AppendixC.xls (27 kB)
AppendixD.doc (106 kB)
Appendix E.doc (111 kB)
Site map.doc (359 kB)
Appendix F.doc (35 kB)
AppendixG.doc (728 kB)
EPMII_results.xls (97 kB)
EPMII_sheartest results.xls (43 kB)
Research_graph_newflume.xls (34 kB)
Sample Testing Schedule.xls (44 kB)
Site 1 S1.xls (235 kB)
Site 1 S2.xls (232 kB)
Site 2 S2.xls (234 kB)
Site 2 S3.xls (235 kB)
Site 3 S1.xls (234 kB)
Site 3 S2.xls (235 kB)
Site 3 S3.xls (235 kB)
Site 4 S1.xls (230 kB)
Site 4 S2.xls (239 kB)
Site 4 S3.xls (233 kB)
Site 5 S1.xls (233 kB)
Site 5 S2.xls (234 kB)
Site 5 S3.xls (233 kB)
Site 6 S1.xls (249 kB)
Site 6 S2.xls (233 kB)
Site 6 S3.xls (233 kB)
Site 7 S1.xls (233 kB)
Site 7 S2.xls (233 kB)
Site 7 S3.xls (233 kB)
Site 8 S1.xls (230 kB)
Site 8 S2.xls (233 kB)
Site 8 S3.xls (233 kB)
Appendix H.doc (4756 kB)
feefee_summary of results_revised.xls (67 kB)
Fishpot Summary_revised.xls (109 kB)
Plots.xls (121 kB)
Results_Detention.xls (26 kB)
Results_existing.xls (27 kB)
Results_Future.xls (28 kB)
1percent_erod.xls (43 kB)
10percent.xls (25 kB)
Fishpot_12 hrs_detention.xls (39 kB)
future12hrs.xls (48 kB)
newtimestepneweqn.xls (185 kB)
newtimestepoldeqn.xls (24 kB)
24hrsresult-TIM.xls (67 kB)
1Year_TIM.xls (73 kB)
2Year_TIM.xls (54 kB)
10Year_TIM.xls (18 kB)
12hrduration.xls (18 kB)
12hrduration_Revised.xls (38 kB)
100Year_TIM.xls (17 kB)
NewResults.xls (35 kB)
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Accompanying CD-ROM, available at Missouri S&T Library, contains appendix A to J.
System requirements: Windows XP, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word.