Masters Theses

Social networks: role of personalization and interaction in virtual community for enhancing business

Keywords and Phrases

Balanced scorecard


"There is limited research in applying social network concepts to design or construct a virtual community, in enhancing member participation and interaction through personalization, and in monitoring, measuring, and tracking the performance of the virtual community. Therefore, the main objectives of this research are to address these research gaps through: (1) Applying the social network concepts and design principles of virtual communities to promote and structure social interaction among the users to stimulate commerce and collaboration activities, to promptly disseminate linkage between discovery and societal benefits of knowledge and wealth creation, and consequently enhance business networks of the community members. (2) Recommending essential personalization and interaction features in a social network based virtual community that would attract the users to participate in the network ties to improve interactivity that in turn improves opportunities for creation of social capital. (3) Proposing a Balanced Scorecard framework to monitor and articulate the value the community delivers through user interaction and participation in a social network based virtual community to assess the performance of the network and suggest improvements"--Abstract, page iv.


Business and Information Technology

Degree Name

M.S. in Information Science and Technology


University of Missouri--Rolla

Publication Date

Fall 2005

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • Enhancing business networks using social network based virtual communities
  • Applications of interaction and personalization in a social network-based virtual community: a case study
  • Application of balanced scorecard to a social network-based virtual community


xi, 85 pages


© 2005 Nisha Maguluru, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Citation

File Type




Subject Headings

Social networks
Business networks
Computer networks -- Social aspects
Interpersonal relations

Thesis Number

T 8865

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