"Pollution abatement of mining effluents in the New Lead Belt of Missou" by Walter Armando Escalera

Masters Theses


"The mining and milling effluents from the Buick Mine of the AMAX Lead Company of Missouri have produced undesirable algal growths in Strother Creek below their tailings pond. A field and laboratory study was performed to determine the characteristics of the mining and milling wastewaters, and to study the effects of heavy metals and nutrients on algal growths. Laboratory studies included: Physico-chemical analysis of the wastewater; determination of heavy metal concentrations; algal growth studies in an experimental model; and microscopic examinations of the algal growths. Field work comprised: A study of the mining and milling operations; in-plant investigations of the water and wastewater flow paths; observations of the tailing ponds, stream meanders, and Cave Hollow Creek; and collection of wastewater samples. The different environments observed in the stream meanders indicated that during winter season the development of heavy algal growth was comprised primarily of the green algae Chaetophora. The algal growth studies in the experimental model indicated that manganese and zinc had an inhibitory effect and that nitrogen was not the limiting factor for this algal growth"--Abstract, page ii.


Wixson, Bobby G.

Committee Member(s)

Jennett, J. Charles
Gale, Nord L.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Civil Engineering


National Science Foundation (U.S.). Lead Study Program
Latin American Scholarship Program of' American Universities


University of Missouri--Rolla

Publication Date



vii, 80 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 69-72).

Geographic Coverage

Reynolds County (Mo.)
Iron County (Mo.)


© 1973 Walter Armando Escalera, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Effluent quality -- Missouri -- MeasurementWater -- Pollution -- MissouriLead -- Environmental aspects -- MissouriHeavy metals -- Environmental aspects -- Missouri

Thesis Number

T 2859

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #

