Masters Theses


"Two-dimensional radiative transfer in a semi-infinite medium has been investigated. The medium was considered to be homogeneous, absorbing, non-emitting, and isotopically scattering. Cosine, step, and finite strip variations of collimated and diffuse incident radiation were considered. Collimated incident radiation was restricted to lie in planes perpendicular to the direction of its spatial variation.

Expressions for source functions, fluxes, and intensities at the boundary and inside the medium were obtained by assuming cos foe varying incident radiation. This assumption allowed the two-dimensional problem to be reduced to a one-dimensional integral equation for the source function. This integral equation vias transformed into an integral-differential equation of the initial-value type by Ambarzumian's method. Fourier integral transforms were used to express the source functions and fluxes for step and strip boundary conditions in terms of cosine varying results.

Cosine varying source functions and fluxes have been obtained numerically for a large number of spatial frequencies and scattering albedos. Semi-infinite step source functions and fluxes were also obtained numerically for a number of albedos. Results show that for any spatial variation of incident radiation the one-dimensional approximation is most valid near the boundary and when there is little scattering. At large spatial frequencies, scattering can be neglected"-- Abstract, p. ii


Crosbie, A. L. (Alfred L.)

Committee Member(s)

Look, Dwight C., 1938-
Pagano, Sylvester J., 1924-2006


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering


University of Missouri--Rolla

Publication Date



xvi, 331 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 150-157)


© 1974 Thomas Lee Linsenbardt, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 3099

Print OCLC #

