"Testing of Missouri shales for light weight aggregate production" by Jerry D. Plunkett

Masters Theses


"The original objective of this investigation was to determine by testing those clays, shales, and loesses occuring in Missouri in large deposits (over 15 feet in thickness with little overburden), which would be suitable for the production of light weight aggregate. The second objective was to investigate the mechanism of bloating as related to the physical and chemical properties of the above materials, and by using these relationships cause clays which do not naturally bloat, to bloat using some addition. The use of additives would permit the economical use of material closer to the market in many instances.

After the work of testing was well under way Dr. E. L. Clark, after conferences with light weight aggregate consumers and potential producers suggested that we determine the physical properties of the aggregate produced in the above test. The important information needed was the compression strength as compared to aggregates already in production. Light weight aggregate is of major economic importance when it is realized that in the building industry the use of light weight building blocks is perhaps the biggest development in recent years.

The equipment for production of aggregate from clay or shale is expensive, therefore potential investors are hesitant to invest in any particular location without assurance of the proper raw materials being available. This study is to report those materials which are available and the quality of the aggregate produced from several of them.

In this work, standard firing behavior tests were conducted, and the data and results while not conclusive for aggregate production are indicative of the results which can be expected. The results of these firing behavior tests are included as they will be of use to any structural clay products industry which might seek to locate in this State.

Quantities of seven shale samples were collected and pilot plant quantities of aggregate were produced in the batch type rotary kiln. After production of sufficient material, compression tests were made of six samples to give a relative measure of their strengths"--Introduction, pages 1-2.


Herold, P. G.


Materials Science and Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Ceramic Engineering


Missouri. Geological Survey
Missouri Resources and Development Commission
Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. Ceramic Engineering Department


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



vi, 127 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 121-123).

Geographic Coverage



© 1954 Jerry D. Plunkett, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Shale -- Missouri -- AnalysisClay -- Missouri -- AnalysisLoess -- Missouri -- AnalysisLightweight concreteAggregates (Building materials)

Thesis Number

T 1062

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #



Thesis Location

