Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources serves as a center for learning and cultural enrichment for the Missouri University of Science and Technology. The exhibition of art, film and other cultural and historical artifacts relating to the campus and surrounding community is important to the cultural enrichment and education of our students, campus employees and our local community.
Student Art in the Library is a juried exhibition occurring each Fall and Spring semester and offers students the opportunity to display their artwork in the Library's public spaces. All currently enrolled students (undergraduate and graduate) are eligible to submit up to 3 original works for consideration.
Additional information about this and other exhibitions in the library can be found on the About Student Art in the Library guide available from the left menu on this page.
Featured here are the the works which appeared in the Spring 2018 Exhibit.
Photos in the slide show were taken during the Exhibition and at the April 10th reception honoring the student artists. [The plywood seen in the background of many photos was constructed for the restoration of “The Rolla Mural” which depicts the history of Rolla from 1844 to the 1950s. Created by Sidney Larson and donated to Missouri S&T by the Sowers family, local artis Dan Woodward restored the mural, which is now on public display on the second floor of the library.]
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