Submission Guidelines for Student Art in the Library Fall 2018 Exhibition
Eligibility Information
All currently enrolled students (undergraduate and graduate) are eligible to submit up to (3) original works of art for consideration.
Two-Dimensional Works
- We accept the following:
- Paintings: oil, acrylics, watercolor, etc.
- Drawings: colored pencil, pencil, ink, marker, pastels, charcoal (It is recommended that charcoal and pastel drawings be fixed.)
- Collages
- Computer generated art
- Photographs
- Prints: lithographs, silkscreen, block prints,
- Mixed Media: use of more than two mediums such as pencil, ink, watercolor, etc.
- Art must be delivered "ready to hang" (for details, see our guide on preparing your work for exhibition)
Three-Dimensional Works
- We accept the following:
- Sculpture (as long as it can be hung or fits on our display surfaces)
- Glass, Pottery, etc. (as long as it can be hung or fits on our display surfaces)
- Works may not exceed 38" tall x 18" wide x 18" deep
Digital Works
- Digital art may be two-dimensional, three-dimensional or multimedia.
- Images
- High-resolution JPG or TIF files (at least 300 dpi) are preferred, though other file formats may be accepted. If you have questions/concerns about creating a digital image of your work, please contact Roger Weaver, Art in the Library Committee Chair, at or (573) 341-4221.
- Well-composed digital images of sufficient quality that are accepted for exhibition are deposited in Scholars' Mine, the digital repository for scholarly works created by our faculty, students and staff.
- Media
- MP4 file format is preferred; however we will accept MOV and AVI file formats.
- Video files should not exceed 3 minutes in length.
- Due to the exhibit location, we are not able to play audio. (You may submit video files with audio, but please keep in mind that viewers will hear no sound if your film is exhibited).
If your work is accepted for exhibition, you will be required to sign an Art Loan Agreement (detailing the terms of the exhibition period and retrieval, as well as liability) and a Copyright Release (permitting the Library to display your work and include the image of your work on our website and in Scholars' Mine).
Submission Review Information
All submissions are evaluated by the Art in the Library Committee Chair and Secretary prior to acceptance into the exhibition. All decisions are final and there are no appeals. The committee does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, national origin or ancestry, color, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or marital/parental status.
Submissions are accepted based on artistic merit; the committee’s goal is to select a broad representation of styles, content and media. Submissions may be rejected based on the following:
- Excessive weight or dimensions of the artwork (or other space constrictions)
- Inappropriate for viewing by the general public, including children
- Graphic depictions of violence or sex
- Advertising of products or services
- Violations of copyright, trademark or other intellectual property issues
All applicants will be notified of the results via email.
Submitting Work
Submit you work by clicking "Submit Artwork" in the left menu of Scholars' Mine. You will be taken to an online submission form and asked to review and agree to a non-exclusive distribution license. This license agreement is to give The Curators of the University of Missouri on behalf of Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) Library permission to post the material openly on the Web and to take the necessary steps to preserve the material (preserving the material might mean that the files will need to be converted to a different or newer version of a file format if the existing file format or the hardware/software needed to read it becomes obsolete).
Artists who submit their work to the Missouri S&T Research Repository retain the copyright to their work, unless they explicitly give it away to a third party. The Missouri S&T Library does not seek or claim copyright on any of the works you submit. A non-exclusive distribution license means that artists may make other copies of their work available on other web sites or through other means without obtaining permission from the Missouri S&T Library. They may also formally publish their work, in the same form or in a revised form, without obtaining permission from the Missouri S&T Library.
The Missouri S&T Library charges no fee for the service and collects no revenue from the archive. If your work is selected for exhibition will be required to sign an Art Loan and Exhibition Agreement. This agreement defines the terms and conditions of the exhibition of your art work in the Library's exhibition spaces.
After completing your submission, you will receive an email confirming that the submission process was successful. The email will include an automatically assigned four-digit ID number for your submission, and the subject of the message will include the words “Submission received.” It will also include a link to access your submission and revise it, if necessary. If you do not receive this email, your submission may not have completed. Please contact an administrator at to discuss next steps. Be sure to include in the email your name, the title of your submission, and any other helpful details.