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Thursday, October 17th
12:00 AM

A Study on the Flexural Strength Capacity of Wall Stud Assembly

Jun-Yeup Song
Hyun Suk Chung
Gap Deuk Kim
Young Bonb Kwon

12:00 AM

An Experimental Study on the Load Carrying Capacity of Cold-formed Steel Studs and Panels

J. Wang
Y. S. Tian
T. J. Lu
C. Y. Barlow

12:00 AM

Analysis of Sheathed Cold-formed Steel Wall Studs

Benjamin W. Schafer
Badri Hiriyur

12:00 AM

Preliminary R-values for Seismic Design of Steel Stud Shear Walls

Y. Zhao
Colin A. Rogers

12:00 AM

Seismic Performance of Wall-stud Shear Walls

Ludovic A. Fulop
Dan Dubina

12:00 AM

Stress/strain Distributions and Role of Sheathing in Partition Wall Panels Subjected to Compression

J. Evans
J. Evans
Y. S. Tian
C. Y. Barlow

12:00 AM
