Intelligent Systems Center | Missouri University of Science and Technology Research | Scholars' Mine

Interim Director: Dr. Frank Liou

The Intelligent Systems Center (ISC) performs basic and applied research to develop generic methodologies and tools (both software and hardware) that can be applied to a wide variety of real-world problems and to address technology and related issues in developing intelligent systems for manufacturing and energy applications. The Center consists of five research thrust areas and has state-of-the-art research facilities distributed across the Missouri S&T campus. For more than 25 years, ISC has been working with government agencies and industrial companies to meet their needs. ISC is affiliated with three national research centers: the Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies, the NSF ERC for Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management Systems, and the NSF I/UCRC on Intelligent Maintenance Systems.


Browse the Intelligent Systems Center Collections:

Intelligent Systems Center Investigator Research

Intelligent Systems Center Patents

Intelligent Systems Center Seminars

ISC Funded Theses and Dissertations