2010 - Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics | International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics

Browse the contents of 2010 - Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics:

Conference Schedule
General Reports
Keynote Address
Table of Contents
Session 1A: Dynamic Properties of Soils and Soil-Like Materials, Engineering Soil Parameters and Constructive Relations
Session 1B: New Field and Laboratory Methods and Results, Data Base, Large Scale Field Tests, Centrifuge Tests
Session 2: Wave Propagation, Engineering Vibrations and Solutions, Vibrations of Machine Foundations, Blast, Traffic and Construction Vibration, Vibration Absorption
Session 3A: Engineering Seismology: Near Fault and Directivity Effects, Geologic Indicators of Rupture Direction, Geometric Effects on Ground Motions, Motion Parameters for Design, Borehole Arrays, Interpretation of Field Array Data, Site Amplification
Session 3B: Local Site Effects: One Dimensional Wave Propagation Predictions and Measurements, Nonlinear versus Equivalent Linear Analysis, Effective Stress versus Total Stress Analysis
Session 4A: Liquefaction and Seismically-Induced Settlement, Ground Failures, Seismic Studies of Kobe, Lima Peru, Chile, Pakistan, China, U.S. and Other Recent Earthquakes, Spatial Liquefaction
Session 4B: Stability and Displacement Performance of Slopes, Landfills and Earth Dams Under Earthquakes
Session 5A: Soil-Structure Interaction Under Dynamic Loading, for Both Shallow and Deep Foundations
Session 5B: Soil-Foundation Interaction Triggered by Seismic Faulting
Session 6A: Seismic Analysis and Design of Retaining and Marine Structures, Field Studies on Retaining Walls in California, Japan and Around the World
Session 6B: Seismic Zonation: Earthquake Risk Assessment with Earthquake Risk Management, Microzonation Projects in California and Worldwide, Use of Building Codes to Reduce Earthquake Hazards
Session 7A: Seismic Analysis and Retrofit of Foundations of Bridges and Other Sub-Structures, Seismic Retrofit Projects and Procedures in California
Session 7B: Case Histories of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Failures and Geotechnical Analysis of Recent Earthquakes
Session 7C: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Issues in San Diego Region: Seismic Hazard, Onshore and Offshore Faulting, Near Fault and Directivity Effects, Liquefaction and Lateral Spread, Seismic Retrofit Projects, Seismic Design of Large Projects, Deep Canyon Fills, Landslides, Tsunamis
Session 8: Model and Full-Scale Tests of Geotechnical Structures Including Centrifuge Tests, Recent Advances from Earthquake Simulation Facilities such as NEES, E-Defense, NCREE
Session 9: Performance Based Design in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
State of the Art and Practice Speakers
Symposium in Honor of Professor I. M. Idriss
Other Special Presentations
Earthquake Speakers
Special Lectures
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Soil Dynamics Short Course
Spouse Program
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