San Diego, California
Presentation Date
29 Mar 2001, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
A series of centrifuge model tests were conducted at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to study the seismic response of a caisson-type waterfront quay wall system, and the liquefaction and deformation characteristics of the saturated cohesionless backfill. Using a nonlinear two-phase (solid-fluid) finite element program, a numerical study of the above centrifuge tests is performed. In this paper, the centrifuge tests and formulation of the employed finite element program are briefly described, and the numerical simulation results are compared to the experimental records. It is shown that the extent of liquefaction, the deformation pattern of the soil-wall system, and the magnitude of lateral spreading obtained from the computational code are similar to actual observations in the centrifuge tests. Computational parametric studies are then conducted by varying soil relative density and soil permeability to investigate the spatial extent of liquefaction in backfill material and its effect on the magnitude of ground lateral spreading. It is concluded that the dynamic properties and permeability of backfill material are among the most influential factors in dictating seismic performance of a quay wall system.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Meeting Name
4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
University of Missouri--Rolla
Document Version
Final Version
© 2001 University of Missouri--Rolla, All rights reserved.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Document Type
Article - Conference proceedings
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Recommended Citation
Yang, Zhaohui; Elgamal, Ahmed; Abdoun, Tarek; and Lee, Chung-Jung, "A Numerical Study of Lateral Spreading Behind a Caisson Type Quay Wall" (2001). International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics. 4.
A Numerical Study of Lateral Spreading Behind a Caisson Type Quay Wall
San Diego, California
A series of centrifuge model tests were conducted at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to study the seismic response of a caisson-type waterfront quay wall system, and the liquefaction and deformation characteristics of the saturated cohesionless backfill. Using a nonlinear two-phase (solid-fluid) finite element program, a numerical study of the above centrifuge tests is performed. In this paper, the centrifuge tests and formulation of the employed finite element program are briefly described, and the numerical simulation results are compared to the experimental records. It is shown that the extent of liquefaction, the deformation pattern of the soil-wall system, and the magnitude of lateral spreading obtained from the computational code are similar to actual observations in the centrifuge tests. Computational parametric studies are then conducted by varying soil relative density and soil permeability to investigate the spatial extent of liquefaction in backfill material and its effect on the magnitude of ground lateral spreading. It is concluded that the dynamic properties and permeability of backfill material are among the most influential factors in dictating seismic performance of a quay wall system.