
San Diego, California

Presentation Date

30 Mar 2001, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm


Landslides are very common in the seismically prone areas of the Garhwal Himalaya. A seismic activity involves displacement either in vertical or horizontal direction and such displacements create slope failure by mass wastings. The maximum impact of Chamoli earthquake was experienced, in the zones of intersection of tear faults with the Main Central Thrust (MCT). During this earthquake large-scale landslides and subsidence caused destruction of many villages located over the hillside slopes. On the basis of field survey pre and post earthquake IRS IC/ID (LISS III/PAN) images, more than 100 slides have been identified in addition to the reactivation of 17 old landslide zones. Rockfalls, rock avalanches, slump failure, rock and soil slides are common forms of mass wasting. The ground motions induced on the earthquake have acted as a triggering force for causing the slope failures. This earthquake has produced a lot of fissures at the rocks and land surfaces, which were traced upto 500 m treading NW-SF with a down throw upto 10 inches. Most forms of the landslide get triggered when the limiting thresholds for slope failure are exceeded.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Meeting Name

4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics


University of Missouri--Rolla

Document Version

Final Version


© 2001 University of Missouri--Rolla, All rights reserved.

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Mar 26th, 12:00 AM Mar 31st, 12:00 AM

Study of Seismically Induced Landslide Zones, Related to Chamoli Earthquake of 1999, Garhwal Himalaya, India

San Diego, California

Landslides are very common in the seismically prone areas of the Garhwal Himalaya. A seismic activity involves displacement either in vertical or horizontal direction and such displacements create slope failure by mass wastings. The maximum impact of Chamoli earthquake was experienced, in the zones of intersection of tear faults with the Main Central Thrust (MCT). During this earthquake large-scale landslides and subsidence caused destruction of many villages located over the hillside slopes. On the basis of field survey pre and post earthquake IRS IC/ID (LISS III/PAN) images, more than 100 slides have been identified in addition to the reactivation of 17 old landslide zones. Rockfalls, rock avalanches, slump failure, rock and soil slides are common forms of mass wasting. The ground motions induced on the earthquake have acted as a triggering force for causing the slope failures. This earthquake has produced a lot of fissures at the rocks and land surfaces, which were traced upto 500 m treading NW-SF with a down throw upto 10 inches. Most forms of the landslide get triggered when the limiting thresholds for slope failure are exceeded.