1995 - Third International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering & Soil Dynamics | International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
The University of Missouri-Rolla, bad hosted very successful First and Second International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics in April-May 1981 and March 1991 respectively. The Third Conference in the series was planned in early 1993 and a Call for Papers was issued in June 1993. The Conference has been co-sponsored and partially funded by the Army Office of Research. It has been organized in cooperation with the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering; International Association of Earthquake Engineering; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Seismological Society of America, United States Committee on Large Dams; American Society of Civil Engineers; ASFE (The Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in Geoscience); Centrifuge Committee (ISSMFE); Association of Engineering Geologists; and Transportation Research Board.

In response to our Call for Papers, authors from 33 countries responded making this Conference a truly international one.

The large number of abstracts received were reviewed by a committee of international experts before the full length papers were solicited. These papers had been reviewed by committees of Discussion Leader/General Reporters and their teams before acceptance and a rating on each paper was given. Not all the full length papers that were submitted were accepted.

The Conference papers and state-of-the-art reports have been printed in two volumes which have been issued before the Conference. The third volume containing reports, discussions, authors' replies, speeches, and special programs will be issued after the Conference. The first volume contains 103 papers, and the second volume contains 50 papers, 4 invited papers and 8 State-of-the-Art reports. The distribution of papers geographically is as follows:

Name of Country No. of Papers Name of Country No. of Papers
Australia 4 Mexico 3
Canada 8 Netherlands 3
Chile 1 Poland 1
China 11 Portugal 2
Czech Republic 1 Russia 1
Egypt 1 Singapore 2
France 7 Slovakia 3
Germany 1 Spain 2
Greece 4 Sweden 2
Hong Kong 1 Switzerland 3
India 2 Tadjikstan 1
Indonesia 1 Thailand 1
Iran 6 United Kingdom 3
Japan 28 USA 52
Hong Kong 1 Switzerland 3
Jordan 2 Venezuela 2
Kuwait 2

The Organizing Committee was always ready to assist in matters of organization. In the initial stages of planning, guidance was obtained from Ricardo Dobry and W.O. Liam Finn. The University ofMissouri-Rolla staff has been very cooperative throughout, especially personnel of the Engineering Continuing Education unit. In addition, our secretaries, particularly Christina Tervo, worked hard to keep pace with the paperwork associated with such a venture. Their work is especially appreciated since everyone knows how difficult it would be to handle such a monumental work without the active cooperation of these people.

The timely printing of the proceedings has been made possible through the efforts of personnel at UMR Centralized Printing Office. Bob Blaylock extended all cooperation in producing these volumes. Without expert and technical assistance of these individuals, the proceedings would not exist in their present form.

We now look forward to a successful Conference in St. Louis during the week of April 2-7, 1995.

January 3, 1995

Shamsher Prakash, Editor and Conference Chairman

Browse the contents of 1995 - Third International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering & Soil Dynamics:

Other Documents
Session 1: Static and Dynamic Engineering Soil Parameters and Constitutive Relations of Soils
Session 2: Model Testing in Cyclic Loading
Session 3: Liquefaction and Ground Failure
Session 4: Dynamic Earth Pressures and Seismic Design of Earth Retaining Structures
Session 5: Soil Structure Interaction Under Dynamic Loading
Session 6: Stability of Slopes and Earth Dams Under Earthquakes
Session 7: Soil Amplification During Earthquake and Microzonation
Session 8: Seismology: Predicting Strong Ground Motion for Design
Session 9: Geotechnical Analysis of Recent Earthquakes
Session 10: Wave Propagation in Soils
Session 11: Engineering Vibrations and Solutions
Session 12: Machine Foundations and Model Tests
Session 14: Northridge Earthquake, January 17, 1994
Special Presentations
State of the Art Papers (SOAP)
Kobe Earthquake Lectures
General Reports